Cars off roadways during snow storm

Posted in: Ballymeade
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  • ballymeade
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Wilmington, DE
  • 120 Posts

Regarding the winter storm expected Friday evening through Saturday, as friendly reminder it is important to do the best we can of keeping all vehicles off the Roadways. The plows cannot effectively clear your streets if there are vehicles in the road.


Please park in your garage or driveway during the storm to allow for the snow plowing to be completed effectively, especially in the town home section.  Additional parking is available in the overflow lots on Seabury, Rockmeade and Morningdale or perhaps ask a neighbor if you fit in their driveway.


Your cooperation in helping with a smooth cleanup is greatly appreciated.   Ron, PENCO Management

  • Stock
  • ballymeade
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Wilmington, DE
  • 120 Posts

Thank you everyone!!!!!!  For this snow storm (Jan 23, 2016) there were no cars on Boxborough or Oakmeade and only two on Rockmeade near the mailboxes.  The snow plowing went so much better that it would have with cars on the streets -  especially with the amount of snow we had and the multiple passes on each street that the plows had to do.  Ballymeade homeowners ROCK.  Thank you!!!

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  • jcoyle
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 26 Posts

In the future, do you think the snow plows can plow up to the edge of the street along the sidewalks?  If paying for this service, then it should be done completely, no?


New Castle County, Delaware 19810