2023 Meeting Minutes
Ballymeade Meeting Minutes
Date:October 03, 2023
Time: 7:00pm EST
Location: Virtual
Attendees: Mike Petrucci (President), Jim Bagnell (Treasurer), Phil LaScala (Secretary), Vince
Begatto (Vice-President), Ron White (Property Manager, PENCO)
Meeting called to order – 7:00pm EST
BMC Financial Summary
Jim B. provided half year and full year P&L forecast for the BMC financials; provided results from the sanctioned engineering study (original and revised versions); information contained in 3 attachments
Board review of accounts receivable
Approval of $11K transfer from reserves to operating fund for maintenance projects
CDs expiring in November; money market replenishment and CDs will be reinvested
Annual dues are expected to increase slightly; the one-time capital contribution fee required of new homeowners is expected to double. Capital contribution requires a resolution and approval. A fee for homeowners who rent their home is expected to offset the additional costs for a management of a renter’s cap. The increases are needed to keep pace with rising costs of BMC
Deed Restriction Ballot
Mike P provided copies of amendments and a general update including when ballots will be sent to the homeowners (AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS re. Rentals and AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS)
Ballot mailing is expected to be sent middle of October along with community newsletter
ARC and Landscape Updates
407 Oakmeade fence installed without submitted ARC request or approval; required plot plan not provided; fence is both a different style and height than the surrounding homes; measurements are needed as fence may also cross property line into the easement; NCC will be contacted in regards to
110 Shrewsbury property conditions continue to deteriorate; letter to be sent to homeowner
Updates and discussions on the following:
issue related to harassment by non-Ballymeade residents located behind W. Boxborough
Rockmeade property storm door
Individual homeowners need to be sent letters and followed-up with regards upkeep with exterior property’s exterior conditions; ie. vinyl sidings black and green from dirt and mildew; untrimmed trees or shrubs; overgrown lawns and weeds
Two shrubs may not survive near Ballymeade and Boxborough and will be would replace if needed
New small tree at Ballymeade and Morningdale may need to be replaced
Letters will be sent to homeowners where property trees are overhanging into sidewalk
Delinquency report
Ron White provides report showing delinquencies have dropped considerably compared to previous years; overall in good standing
Two homeowners continue to pay down their outstanding balance in monthly installments
Ballymeade fall newsletter to be mailed mid-October
Email sent to Maginot Security vendor asking they address their security camera website which is displaying warnings by Google Safe Browsing
Engineering Study Reserve model sent for review
Ballymeade community yard sale will be scheduled for next Spring
Meeting adjourned by President – 8:00pm EST
Ballymeade Meeting Minutes
Date: April 19, 2023
Time: 7:00pm EST
Location: Virtual
Attendees: Mike Petrucci (President), Jim Bagnell (Treasurer), Phil LaScala (Secretary), Vince
Begatto (Vice-President), Ron White (Property Manager, PENCO)
- Meeting called to order – 7:00pm EST
- Introduction of new board member Vince Begatto
- Introduction of each board member to Vince and brief summary of members’ responsibilities
- Suggestion made for Vince to join the ARC Committee
- Vince accepts and will and assist Mike with that responsibility
- Dissemination of P. Haggerty responsibilities
- Davey Tree and Forever Green
- Jim will be point person for BMC landscaping matters
- Contract talks, ensure obligations are fulfilled
- Ron to continue to run point for contractors; ie. billing, questions
- Ballymeade website
- Phil L. will be the point person for the Ballymeade website
- posting and managing website content
- Ron and Mike have access and can serve as backup
- Jim reviewed current balance in the “Due To/Due From” interfund account on the balance sheet. At this time, the reserve in effect owes the operating account over $14K. This is due to funding of capital projects out of the operating bank account. Given the operating account is, as this point, able to fully fund the upcoming operations of the upcoming year, the Board voted to approve the dedication of $14,565.81 of Operating Equity to the Reserve Fund, leaving $5,447.47 in Operating Equity as of April 30, 2023. Board members unanimously approved this netting which can now be booked by the PENCO Accounting Team.
- Ron provided update on collection
- 35 HOs outstanding; 4 delinquent
- A late fee will be imposed in May
- Discussion regarding HO#1 payment plan plus future stipulations/terms if HO#1 continues to be delinquent in the future
- BMC lawyer to create an agreement in writing
- Mike provides an overview for the Board about what an engineer study entails
- Study will provide long term assessment of BMC assets, depreciation, etc for planning purposes related to maintenance / replacement costs ‘down the road
- Ron will request a proposal from a company for the next study
Deed Restrictions
- BMC has always had ability to levy fines, determine fine amount, provide HOs recourse
- Mike will have lawyer sign, notarize and posted to the website
- Need to determine timing of mailing ballots to HOs
- Mid-May proposed and combine with the newsletter mailing
- Newsletter will have an article about the ballots
- Administrative fee for managing rental restrictions will be determined if ballot passes and after PENCO is able to determine cost of managing new rental requirements and restrictions
- Consult with civic lawyer about potential issues with rentals concerning squatter’s rights
- Strengthen wordage in deed restrictions to protect against these concerns
- Townhomes with yard issues
- Discussion on how best to address trellis put up and trenches dug-out neither which have been approved by ARC Committee
- Trellis should come down and the trenches backfilled
- Mike and Jim to put a plan together, draft a letter to be sent to HO#2
- Discussion of HO#3 clean-up of the backyard
- Discussion of Overflow Parking on Rockmeade
- Jim had a discussion with HO#4 regarding long term parking in overflow lot
- Overflow parking has since improved
- An article about overflow parking will be included in the newsletter
- Parking in front of the mailbox; proposed curb in front of mailbox be painted yellow
- Discussion of Common Deed Violations
- Trash Cans, High grass and weeds
- Only ‘handful’ of HOs; eventually fines will need to be levied; fine amount TBD
- Other problem areas
a) black/green mildew growing on siding
b) driveways requiring maintenance, repairs
c) backyards
Related article to be included in newsletter
- Proposed and accepted fall date for 2023 Ballymeade yard sale
- Sidewalk maintenance and park bench cleaning - Phil L.
- Landscaping around electrical boxes at corner of Boxborough and Ballymeade
- Request quote from Forever Green - Ron
- Playground mulch will be replaced this year
- Contact information of Board Members will be shared amongst members
- Meeting adjourned by President – 8:00pm EST
Ballymeade Meeting Minutes
Date: February 27, 2023
Time: 7:00pm EST
Location: Virtual
Attendees: Mike Petrucci (President), Jim Bagnell (Treasurer), Phil LaScala (Secretary),
Ron White (Property Manager, PENCO)
Vince Begatto, Jack & Kathy Hanlon, Richard Wolf, Jiapiao, Ram Jayanthi, Leon His, Vilma Davis, Diane Cavender, Robbin Baird, Tara Thompson, Monica White, Katherine Collard, Edwin, Laura Bucchi, Tara T
Ballymeade 2023 Annual Meeting
- Meeting called to order – 7:05pm EST
- Introductions of Current Board Members
- Announcement of Peter Haggerty’s passing
- President’s Report – Year in Review
- High level overview of Ballymeade Maintenance Corp. (BMC) operating budget
i. 4 sales during 2022 added $1800 to Reserve Fund
ii. Reminder for homeowners:
- Visit website (http://www.ballymeade.org/) for information on deed restrictions, meeting minutes, etc
- Provide email address to reduce costs of communications ie. Ballymeade newsletter, weather related notifications
- Board Approval of Violation / Fine Resolution & Rental Amendment
- Remarks made of proposed amendments to BMC’s Declaration of Restrictions and current status of proposed amendments
i. Additional information provided specifically around violation/fine resolution, rental amendment, solar panels
ii. Homeowner asks for clarification regarding restriction of vegetable garden size (section4) and how it applies to townhomes vs. single family homes
iii. Homeowner asks for clarification on policy/process for levying a fine
- Additional information provided on Delaware House Bill 58 relating to solar panels
i. Homeowners still need to submit an ARC approval before installation
ii. Reasonable restrictions will apply to solar panel
iii. Summary of HB58 will be posted on the BMC website
- Tennis court
i. resurfaced, lines painted and two portable nets provided for pickleball play
- ARC – Architectural Review Committee
- Homeowners reminded of need for submitting ARC requests before exterior updates to property
i. Deed restrictions available on BMC website
ii. Questions can be directed to Ron White or PENCO management
- PENCO contact info 610-358-5580 / rwhite@pencomanagement.com
- Past Deed Violations/Complaints
- Examples of past violations include
i. Parking on sidewalks, trash cans left outside, encroachment into common areas/wet lands, curbing/leashing pets
ii. Homeowner question re: enforcement of curbing pets
- Letter may be sent to homeowner if possible
iii. Homeowner comment about cars not stopping at corner of Ballymeade and Shrewsbury
- this is a law enforcement matter; not much the board can do in regards
- Jim Bagnell suggests adding a reminder in the next newsletter; duly noted
- Secretary updates - Phil LaScala
- Summarize records of board meetings
- Annual sidewalk maintenance/repair
i. Homeowner question related to sidewalk maintenance and who is responsible
- Sidewalk maintenance is normally the responsibility of the homeowner. If sidewalk damage is caused by a tree planted by BMC, then BMC will cover the cost to repair
- Management of Security Cameras
i. Homeowner question regarding level of criminal activity recently
- Some instances of car break-ins; these are mostly crimes of opportunity
- Remember to lock car doors or park inside of garage when possible
- Security cameras are mostly a criminal deterrent
ii. Homeowner mentions an incident on W. Boxborough Dr.
iii. Question about security video retention time
- Approximately 6 weeks of footage is available
- Finance Update Jim Bagnell
- 2022 Budget
i. Added maintenance of aging community created an overspend the past year
ii. Six homes currently in collection or lien process for unpaid assessments; bad debt expense for these doubtful accounts is reflected in the proposed budget
- 2023 Budget
i. Annual fee to remain at $275
ii. Budget dedicated to community operation and maintenance; reserves remain healthy
iii. Reserve study scheduled for later this year or beginning of next year
iv. No large maintenance or repair projects proposed this year
- Questions and Comments
i. Homeowner question regarding the size of the BMC reserve
ii. Homeowner comment about current CapitalOne CD rates
- PENCO Management’s Scope of Services
- Summary of things PENCO manages for BMC
- Board of Directors – Status / Activities
- Mike makes a ‘pitch’ for new board members
- Comment by homeowner regarding past experience working on the board
- Board Elections
- Quorum is met with 24 received mail and 18 included within the Zoom
- Secretary makes a comment about joining the board
- Richard Wolf comments about car break-ins
- Homeowner thanks the board
- Meeting adjourned by President – 8:08pm EST
Ballymeade Meeting Minutes
Date: February 22, 2023
Time: 7:00pm EST
Location: Virtual
Attendees: Mike Petrucci (President), Jim Bagnell (Treasurer), Phil LaScala (Secretary),
Ron White (Property Manager, PENCO)
- Meeting called to order – 7:00pm EST
- Ballymeade 2023 Annual Meeting
- Date and time of the meeting will be Monday, February 27 @ 7:00pm EST
- Meeting will be hosted remotely via Zoom
- A second notice of the meeting was mailed to homeowners by PENCO
- Review and updates to annual meeting slide deck
- After introductions, Mike will take a moment to mention the passing of Peter Haggerty and say a few words
- An appeal will be made for new members to fill vacant seats on the board followed by a brief overview highlighting the general responsibilities of board members.
- Agree to provide a level review of accomplishments for the 2022 year as well as items that are still in progress
- Suggestions made to pare down or remove parts of the slide deck contents.
?—‹ Each board member will present updates in their respective areas; e.g. landscaping, financial, etc
- Ron White of PENCO will provide an update PENCO’s management scope
- Board agrees to keep all attendees unmuted in Zoom during the entire call to promote more participation and discussion throughout the meeting
- Board agrees when to provide a copy of the slide deck presentation to homeowners
- Adjournment
- Meeting adjourned by President – 7:30pm EST
Ballymeade Board Meeting
Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2023
Attendees: Mike Petrucci (President), Jim Bagnell (Treasurer), Phil LaScala (Secretary), Ron White (Property Manager, PENCO)
WSFS Needs and Peter Haggerty
- Ballymeade board member, Peter H. Haggerty (Vice President), passed away Dec. 24, 2022
- Pete’s obituary can be found here: https://www.delawareonline.com/obituaries/wnj128468
- Pete’s name will need to be removed from all WSFS signatory
- Approve plan to transfer signatory from Cindy DeYoe (former Treasurer) to Michael Petrucci (President) and James Bagnell (Treasurer)
2023 Annual Meeting
- Determine date for annual meeting; tentative date February 27, 2023
- Mailing will be sent to homeowners; 1st mailing will be a call for additional board candidates
- Ron will send powerpoint deck for board updates and review
- Two open positions on the board currently
- Emphasis needed to recruit new members for the Ballymeade board
- Mike P. position is up for re-election
Landscaping updates
- Positive feedback on tree canopy elevation
- Landscaping contract reviewed
- Discussed and approved keeping $1500 Japanese beetle spray for 2nd year in row
- No spend for playground maintenance; equipment appears to be in good condition
?–ª May need to budget for upkeep
?–ª about 4 years ago a playground inspection was done and any fixes were completed
?–ª Ask Forever green blowout leaves from tennis court twice a year
- Jim and Phil can do a cursory inspection of playground equipment in the meantime
- Pond maintenance will incur some costs for 2023
- algae control, possible aeration
- Forever Green performs maintenance
PENCO Updates
- Several home sales during the past 6 months; no current listings or outstanding settlements
- 2022-2023 collection status provided by Ron
- Particular homeowner is communicating and sending checks directly to BMC attorney
Secretary Update (Phil LaScala)
- Security cameras remain in normally working order
- Security camera documentation updated; shared with Jim B.
- Maintenance will include two cleanings in 2023
- Fence slats along Naamans Rd repaired, resecured
- Slow Down signs put up for 3 weeks in December
- Pickleball nets will remain outside during mild winter
Treasury Updates (Jim Bagnell)
- General financial health of BMC is good
- No expected increase to the annual dues
- Bad debt and general maintenance will be budgeted for 2023
- Ron is an operator for PENCO accounts
Reviewed collection status
- Liens in place for HOs with outstanding debt
- Reviewed legal and lates fees for HOs
- Agreement by board to hold regarding with taking additional legal actions re: collections
- Updates to the Board slide deck presentation
- Move any slides regarding general info to Appendix
- Meeting will provide more time for Q&A for homeowners
- Mike will include slide for rental cap info
- General discussion around recent home sales
Ron is fielding calls with EverGreen and other landscaping maintenance
- Website access and administration
- Ron will be contact the website hosting company in regards
ballymeade on 04/03/2023
Last updated
on 02/25/2025