TRANSPARENCY. We have it at Ballymeade. All residents can be fully informed on all matters pertaining to this great community we call home. Below are the 2020 meeting minutes for you to read, more meeting minutes will be added as the year progresses. Please also check out the minutes all the way back to 2005. There are several minute documents below (each will be a different color). Please scroll down.
Present:Pete Haggerty, Mike Petrucci, Ron White (Penco), Phil LaScala
(Cindy DeYoe absent for personal reasons)
Annual Assessment Collection Updates
· Discussions around list of homeowners who are delinquent with annual dues. Confirmed status and next steps for each homeowner
· Ron to remind attorney that no actions should be taken without board approval
· Delinquent Totals: 7 homeowners
Landscape Update
· Removal of the following: dead forsythias; removal of dead pine tree off Morningdale Dr; post storm downed tree limbs within playground area
· Davey Landscaping pruned bushes on Naamans Rd fence
· Will install new trees for coverage on the west side of Ballymeade where there was tree removal during new home construction next door there.
· Storm basin maintenance all received approval for this year. (Forever Green Landscaping provides basin maintenance; required remediation this year ran ~ $1500)
· Various storm drains have partial blockages from down leaves and branches; P. LaScala and M. Petrucci to clear any blockages storm drains from twigs and leaves
· Stop sign at the corner of Ballymeade and Longmeadow was blocked from view by tree limbs; P. LaScala cut and removed tree limbs around the sign which is again visible
Architectural Review Committee
· Various ARC requests have been approved including a new desk, new replacement windows front door with glass panes
· Parking for motorhome approved for 1-2 weeks although it was parked on Shrewsbury for over 5 weeks. In the future board will enforce a strict time limit
Update for Deed Restriction Changes
· Mike actively working with attorney’s office on a fixed fee rather than hours worked for updates to deed restrictions.
· Potential items to be on the ballot besides a rental cap include solar panel installations and the ability for greater enforcement of deed restrictions. Ie. trash cans left outside, the parking of commercial, siding mildew, sealcoating driveway
· Newsletter article will remind homeowners of these types of maintenance needs
Miscellaneous Updates
· Security camera in normal working order; electrical and internet utility boxes have been secured with a lock; no recent requests for a video footage by law enforcement
· Various sidewalk slabs need to be replaced as they are being pushed-up be tree roots; estimates for this work will be obtained
· Board will meet again in December
June 29, 2021
Present: |
Pete Haggerty, Mike Petrucci, Cindy DeYoe, Ron White (Penco), Phil LaScala |
Collection Status Update
Asking EJ: to not send additional updates to homeowner #1, Ron to confirm the lien amount of HO
Homeowner #2 – a lien will be placed – Homeowner
Additional 3 HOs have been paid since first letter sent
July 15 – certified letter to be sent to HO outstanding for balance due
Feelers out for new attorney to send letters; not many association attorneys in DE
Landscape Update
Tree mulching completed; Peter will contact landscaper and provide feedback
Some trees not completed; other not done satisfactory
Flood behind Boxborough HO will be put in contact with Storm Water Management by Peter
Camera Security
Check that the camera box is locked and secured
Verify with vendor that the box is locked
Check what sidewalks need to be replaced
Check with new HOs on Shrewsbury about board vacancy
Snow expense reimbursement during month of June; haven’t hit the books yet
Currently under budget; mostly due to timing of the year
Letter sent to HO with xmas lights; a second letter will be sent if they are still powered on at night
Deck lighting along railing is OK
Rental Cap Sub-Committee meeting
Lawyer to write-up new deed restriction for rental cap base on boards parameters
Vote what is included in the deed restriction changes
Mike will send a summary
Also additionally verbiage regarding solar-panels, commercial trucks, % of backyards used for gardens
3 things to vote on: 1. Rental cap2. Solar panel 3. Miscellaneous
Need Sean Matthews for clarification of solar panels requirements
Ask lawyers can we fine people who do not adhere to deeds
Initial fees will come out of reserves
If it passes, we can recoup the money from the additional fees
If it does not pass, money can’t be recoup
Suggestion for making deed language simple
Additional fee for people renting their homes; for initial management costs plus on-going additional costs
Garage sale
about 15 HOs participated
minimum costs, we intend to continue garage sales
Please Slow-down signs
Treasurer checking on HO requests regarding budget and reports
Ballymeade newsletter to go out prior to voting ballad
Secretary Updates
Tree roots pushed-up sidewalks along Ballymeade, Shrewsbury, Longmeade have been shaved back to lessen tripping hazards
Security camera requests have been served to law enforcement for video footage. Periodic checks and annual cleaning required
Playground area inspection and maintenance is on-going
Semi-annual newsletter continues to be published and mailed to homeowners
Slide presented that highlights scope of services provided by Ballymeade’s property management company
Board of Directors Activities and Status
Slide presented regarding main Board activities, meeting cycles and terms based on by-laws
Two Board seats and proposed budget voted upon.
Vote tally of open seats: P. Haggerty – 35 | M. Petrucci – 42 | J. Bagnell – 26 | E. Zheng – 11
Vote tally of budget approval:Yes – 53 | No – 2 | No vote cast – 6
Slide Presentation and Discussion of Rental Cap Proposal
Much of the content is from New Castle County website and notes from legal consultation of ??
Overview of presentation includes the following:
April 19, 2021
Present: |
Pete Haggerty, Mike Petrucci, Phil LaScala, Cindy DeYoe, Ron White (PENCO)
Landscape Update
Architectural Review Committee Update
Secretary Updates
Finance and PENCO Updates
March 11, 2021
This meeting was held via Zoon due to the Covid Pandemic. The Board of Directors, PENCO Management, and more than a quorum of residents were in attendance. |
Call to order, review of the meeting agenda
President’s Report – Year in review:
Landscape Update
Architectural Review Committee Update
Secretary Updates
Finance Update
Board of Directors Activities and Status
Board Member Voting Results:
ÿ 2/3 vote needed to add a rental cap to deed restrictions (60 days from start of voting process); 2/3 vote is difficult, requires much time and effort
ÿ $2000-$3000 legal fees to update BMC Documents, paid by BMC; yearly fee (tbd) may be charged to renting HOs for this plus future management fee increase
ÿ 40 known rentals currently; these would be ‘grandfathered’; PENCO would manage but require more HO info, more monitoring, therefore higher costs
ÿ # of rentals allowed
ÿ Wait list requirements
ÿ Additional annual fee
ÿ Information requirements of rental property owner
ÿ Expanded role of board and additional work required by board members
J. Bagnell request: For the BMC treasury provide a 12/31 balance sheet, budget forecast, and periodic positions to homeowners throughout the year
J. Bagnell question: Why was a new engineering and reserve study not performed? if the last study was done in 2015 since reserve studies are normally good for five years
before another should be completed.
J. Bagnell question: What is going on with solar panels?
J. Bagnell comments that we wanted details related to previous meeting minutes regarding a bush, located on common ground, being removed by a homeowner. J. Bagnell wants to know what the board’s response was to this matter and what was done and whether it was resolved.
J. Bagnell question: Will Davey Tree provide HOs a group discount for treating trees/bushes on private property?
Question regarding storm water basin maintenance and compliance:
Ron Davis question: Is BMC still using the same bank CD? Is anyone shopping for better CD rates?
Ron Davis question: He notices storm drains that need maintenance or repair. Who is responsible for the storm drains in the neighborhood?
Would physical signatures be required for voting on changes to BMC deed-restrictions and Documents?
How to know and track when a property is being rented? Homeowner’s who rent their property may be a matter of public record; confirmation needed; tracking and
management handled by PENCO
Board Meeting Minutes – February 04, 2021
Zoom Teleconference
Pete Haggerty, Mike Petrucci, Cindy DeYoe, Ron White (Penco), Phil LaScala
Annual Dues
Annual Meeting
Discussion held re: whether to hold annual board meeting vs. postpone for later time
BMC Financials
BMC Renter’s Cap
Annual Board Meeting Agenda
Nov 02, 2021
Present: |
Pete Haggerty, Mike Petrucci, Ron White (Penco), Phil LaScala (Cindy DeYoe absent for personal reasons)
Annual Assessment Collection Updates
· Discussions around list of homeowners who are delinquent with annual dues. Confirmed status and next steps for each homeowner
· Ron to remind attorney that no actions should be taken without board approval
· Delinquent Totals: 7 homeowners
Landscape Update
· Removal of the following: dead forsythias; removal of dead pine tree off Morningdale Dr; post storm downed tree limbs within playground area
· Davey Landscaping pruned bushes on Naamans Rd fence
· Will install new trees for coverage on the west side of Ballymeade where there was tree removal during new home construction next door there.
· Storm basin maintenance all received approval for this year. (Forever Green Landscaping provides basin maintenance; required remediation this year ran ~ $1500)
· Various storm drains have partial blockages from down leaves and branches; P. LaScala and M. Petrucci to clear any blockages storm drains from twigs and leaves
· Stop sign at the corner of Ballymeade and Longmeadow was blocked from view by tree limbs; P. LaScala cut and removed tree limbs around the sign which is again visible
Architectural Review Committee
· Various ARC requests have been approved including a new desk, new replacement windows front door with glass panes
· Parking for motorhome approved for 1-2 weeks although it was parked on Shrewsbury for over 5 weeks. In the future board will enforce a strict time limit
Update for Deed Restriction Changes
· Mike actively working with attorney’s office on a fixed fee rather than hours worked for updates to deed restrictions.
· Potential items to be on the ballot besides a rental cap include solar panel installations and the ability for greater enforcement of deed restrictions. Ie. trash cans left outside, the parking of commercial, siding mildew, sealcoating driveway
· Newsletter article will remind homeowners of these types of maintenance needs
Miscellaneous Updates
· Security camera in normal working order; electrical and internet utility boxes have been secured with a lock; no recent requests for a video footage by law enforcement
· Various sidewalk slabs need to be replaced as they are being pushed-up be tree roots; estimates for this work will be obtained
· Board will meet again in December