2017 Meeting Minutes


TRANSPARENCY.  We have it in Ballymeade.  All residents can be fully informed on all matters pertaining to this great community we call home.  Below are the 2017 meeting minutes for you to read, more meeting minutes will be added as the year progresses.  Currently there are four minute documents below (each set of minutes will be a different color).  Please scroll down.



Ballymeade Board Meeting

June 27, 2017



Attendees:  Jim Bagnell, Rob Brogan, Peter Haggerty, Michael Petrucci, Bob Gleber

Location: Peter’s house


Minutes recorded by Rob Brogan, Secretary


  • Peter reviewed last minutes

  • ARC review

  1.  Clean up
  2.  Inquiry for deck measurement
  3.  2 deck replacement requests
  4.  Must be wood
  5.  Sidewalks marked with XXXs to shave and fix sidewalks
  6.  Trash cans problems have improved with letters to residents
  7.  Streets in good shape
  8.  Plowing of sidewalks? Look into common areas to be done during now
  • Playground structure fully updated and maintained by a contractor 

  • Forever Green did clean up- wetlands

  • Forever Green pulled annuals and replaced. Mulch on streets were complete.

  • Financials are up to date & one issue will be resolved.

  • Jim talking about Block Watch program

  • Discuss sending out mailer to residence to signup

  • Peter expressed concern workload not on all members buy like to see more volunteers

  • Spoke about the board before was meeting 2x a year and not much to report, this year a bigger change in events

  • Spoke about updating job description, more structure

  • Point expressed. Authority and cost above need approval from community

  • Overall Corporation government with authority to spend

  • By laws to revisit and looked at again for duties and of members

  • Discuss possible survey for light pole and camera, would like to ask neighbors for their opinion

  • Ask neighbors their preference separate light over the playground or spot light

  • Cost of lights investigate

Meeting was adjourned. 


Ballymeade Homeowners Meeting

June 12, 2017



Attendees:  Jim Bagnell, Rob Brogan, Peter Haggerty, Special Guest Master Corporal Kristen Hester from New Castle County Police Department

Location: Claymont Library


Minutes recorded by Rob Brogan, Secretary


This was primarily an introduction meeting for Town Watch for our community. Guest speaker Master Corporal Kristen Hester from New Castle County Police Department.  Approx 5 homeowners attended.


  • Introduction of Town Watch program

  • 12 Volunteers needed to implement program in our community

  • Require background check and looking for the right people.

  • Advice to click on Next Door to be more proactive in community.

  • Looking for Minimum of 10-12 people. With One Capt. And other block watchers

  • Advice to add security cameras to homes plus keeping lights on at night. Front door and back door.

  • Cameras are a way to help solve crime along with security signs


Meeting was adjourned. 



Ballymeade Board Meeting

May 8, 2017



Attendees: Michael Petrucci, Jim Bagnell, Rob Brogan,

Peter Haggerty, Ron White, Bob Gleber

Location: Jim’s home 7:00PM to 9:00PM


Minutes recorded by Rob Brogan, Secretary


This was primarily a planning and preparatory meeting for the Maginot Security Proposal for security cameras for front entrance.


Maginot Security Proposal.


  • Introduction of Maginot Security.

  • Went over price approx. 8k

  • Options A & B

  • Camera would be set up in stages. & There is a formal explanation on the web

  • Discussed camera issue with privacy and legal issues that need to be addressed regarding the community.

  • 30 days of recorded stored in hard drive. Using standard video that won’t be reviewed.

  • Spoke about Insurance Bind in our policy.

  • Specs, 3 cameras in front with 1 wide angle lenses and 2 capturing entrance and exit.

  • References- Weldon Ridge

  • Discussed different options and different pricing.

  • Cameras are a way to deter criminals in our community.


Meeting was adjourned. 


Agenda for 3/27/17 Ballymeade Board Meeting

 (Minutes were not provided but this agenda was followed.)

Welcome Bob and Rob!!!!!  Thanks for joining the board!!!


Annual meeting:

Great turnout – 29 homeowners attended, including 4 board members, plus 22 proxies.

Went well, good presentations

Budget approved, invoice mailed that week

Board members elected


Officer Designation – Pres, VP, Treas, Sec  (Post meeting note: Peter will remain Pres, Jim will remain Treas, Rob will be our new Secretary.  Bob will join Mike on ARC.)



2017 budget – recap for board/new board members

Maintenance projects to address in 2017 – playground ($5,300), vines/weeds at W. Box    ($1,600), lines on parking pads ($500), sidewalks trimmed (getting quote), LED Lights at entrance to save on electricity ($1,800)



DelDOT to clear drain pipe under Shrewsbury at wetlands

Storm Water Basin Management – all good going into 2017

See three projects above.

Dumping next to TD bank – reported to NCC via Bob Weiner’s office

Trash pail mail box at 1911 Naamans, complained via Sean Matthews and online.



Styrofoam Beer Cooler Garden



Lines on parking pads – quote by Ron

Yard Sale – can’t remember the date

Sidewalks to be shaved/trimmed where they have come up (Ron getting quote)

Website – lots of hits, around 10,000 page hits per month

Car on parking pad on Seabury

Snow storm, Email by Ron re: cars off roadway works amazingly well (on Rockmeade at least)

Community Clean Up – Saturday, April 1st 8:30 a.m.

Community Newsletter – Great job Jim and Ron!!!  Spring issue soon.  See next page.

DelDOT repair project at Shrewsbury and E. Box – this paving season

DelDOT repair to storm water drain at 300 Rockmeade, collapsing in

County Code re: Commercial Vehicles in residential development? (Editorial)

All complaints from HO’s should be in writing to PENCO for audit trail



Spring Newsletter – proposed content:

  - Annual Meeting overview / Introduction of current Board

  - 2016 Financial Review / 2017 Budget

  - Spring Cleanup / Notice of homeowner requirements related to exterior upkeep and maintenance / helpful hints

  - Annual Yard Sale

  - Community and local events

  - Notification of local spike in break-ins / Helpful hints for home security / "See something, say something" and "what" to report to "who (NCC Police vs. PENCO)

  - Security service vendor price comparative analysis






Annual Ballymeade Community Meeting

Monday, February 27, 2017


Community Attendees: 29 residents joined the meeting (4 board members included in the 29)

Proxy Forms22 proxy forms were received by PENCO from homeowners who could not attend

Board attendees: Michael Petrucci, Jim Bagnell, Ram Jayanthi, and Peter Haggerty
PENCO: Ron White, Ballymeade Property Manager

Elected Officials: Sean Matthews, State Representative and Bob Weiner, County Council

Location: Brandywine Town Center

Time: 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Minutes recorded by:  Ram Jayanthi, Secretary


  • @7PM Peter started with the opening remarks, introduced the board members and quickly went over the agenda. Then he asked our State Representative, Sean Mathews, to address community.

  • Sean’s Highlights:  @7:05PM

    • Repaving Naamans road east side of Foulk Road to Philly Pike will begin soon

    • Drainage issue on Shrewsbury Drive at E Boxborough will be repaired this spring

    • Shrewsbury Drive wetlands not draining; DelDOT will clear drain pipe under road this spring

    • New train station to be ready by 2019 by Tristate Mall area

    • Old Admin building in Claymont belonging to the steel plant will be converted to an office

    • State budget requires either $350 million in new revenue or cut costs by reducing 1,000 jobs for the same savings

    • General overview of area population growth and crime in state and locally

  • Peter’s Highlights:  @7:15PM

    • Described PENCO services and thanked Ron for his many contributions to our community

    • Talked about reserve study by a professional engineering team performed during FY 2015

    • How we are managing various contractors doing work for the property

    • Spoke about reasons to serve on the board, two new members needed

    • Reviewed the “President’s Report” in the handout - newsletters, yard sale, landscape maintenance, much more.

    • 300 trees have been planted since inception of community which are funded equally by community and county

    • Reviewed actions taken so far to protect wetlands and maintain storm drains

    • Talked about  trash and security alarm services comparative analysis distributed for review (Jim’s research work)

  • Mike’s Highlights:  @7:45PM

    • Quick turnaround on ARC requests coming in for approvals

    • All external changes need an ARC request formally submitted

    • Rules around pets especially dogs

    • How county rules apply in Ballymeade, along with our deed restrictions

    • No consistent policy on enforcing door and shutter colors

    • Use of alternative materials for deck is approved now (wood was the only one in the past).  White only will now be approved for handrails on top of the decking.

    • How common passage areas (easements) have to be managed, especially for townhomes – must provide for mowers, etc. to get around to the back of the townhomes (fireman also!)

    • Spoke about parking on the sidewalk and related violations

    • Vehicles with business names on them not allowed, no commercial vehicles

  • Jim’s Highlights:  @8:00PM

    • Saved money on 2016 snow budget and other variable line items in the budget

    • Reviewed forecast for 2017

    • 17 houses were sold in 2016, all money from home purchases (onetime fee) goes into reserve funds

    • Capital spend on playground comes from reserves, maintenance funds for playground come from operating budget (a quote for $5,800 was obtained from a contractor)

    • As of now there is a $17,000 planned transfer to move into the reserve fund ($5K budgeted in operating budget / $8K from capital contributions resulting from home sales / $4K 2016 operating budget surplus)

    • By 01/1/2017, there are only 2 delinquent households for 2016 assessment fees ($250 per year)

    • No increase in annual assessment for this year;  will remain at $250 per household.  Board cannot opine on 2018 until vendor contract negotiations are complete at the end of this year; Jim reported that a $25 increase may be needed in 2019 to keep the reserve at reasonable thresholds through 2030 based on reserve study and planned community asset maintenance / replacement.

    • All landscaping and snow removal 3 year contracts will expire in 2018 (we are able to keep old rates until that time)

    • Presented 2017 budget and obtained unanimous approval from participants

    • Walked through the reserve study results

    • As previously stated, reserve is funded (above $0) until 2029 on current schedule but will flip into unfunded status in 2030; a special assessment  to all homeowners would be needed to fund any major maintenance or replacement would be needed accordingly if no current action in planned

  • Peter introduced Bob Weiner, our County Council Rep. Bob’s Highlights:  @8:20PM

    • Has been Council representative for 20 years

    • Represent or participate in 137 civic associations

    • How credit card companies and incorporations added to revenue in DE

    • How this is bringing more growth in population and with it crime

    • Briefly talked about county code for residential property

    • Sends weekly letters to civic boards on land use and other activities that he advocates

    • How he stays close to changes in communities – malls, traffic counts, bike lanes, walk ways, land development, underpasses

    • Talked briefly on the state of semi commercial property between our development and TD Bank, requested board to send a letter to him so that he can ask the owner to add a chain to the property entrance to minimize illegal activity in that area

  • Peter @ 8:45PM

    • Cathy Cloutier and Sean Mathews contributed equal funds to repair the water flooding area near E. Boxborough Dr. and Shrewsbury Dr. intersection

    • Two new board members were been elected, Bob Gleber and Rob Brogan.  Welcome aboard!! Peter and Mike were also re-elected.  A full 5 member board is now in place.

    • Talked about new business and solicited ideas from the members


  • Questions from the community members:  

    • How do we address crime in our neighborhood (two cars and a house were broken in to recently)

    • Who is responsible for clearing snow on sidewalks for the houses that have extended sidewalks?

    • How do we get 75% of the community approval for solar panel installation?

    • Can we increase capital (onetime fees which is $450 now) fess to add more funds to reserves?

    • How to manage cars going too fast on Shrewsbury and Ballymeade Drives?

    • What can we do about foliage coming from Naamans through the opening at the end of W. Boxborough Dr.?

    • Do you have a preferred contractor for concrete work (sidewalks)?

    • Do you advise installing a security alarm in homes?

    • Tree roots are coming out of concrete sidewalks in our property, what do we do?

  • Suggestions from the community members: 

    • Neighborhood watch was discussed

    • Adding more street lights in dark areas of the community (DelDOT)

    • Making neighborhood a gated community, with camera system

    • Adding speed bumps to improve safety from traffic

    • Solar panel to reduce electricity bills

    • Parking lots (common) need lines for defined parking spaces so maximum number of cars will fit on in the lot

    • Change the chain links for adult swings in playground

    • Use recycled tire rubber as playground mulch (lasts for about 7 years)

    • Crime info gateway: 302-395-5555

  • The meeting was adjourned @9PM












Ballymeade Board Meeting

January 31st, 2017



Attendees: Michael Petrucci, Jim Bagnell, Ram Jayanthi,

Peter Haggerty, Ron White

Location: Jim’s home 7:00PM to 9:00PM


Minutes recorded by Ram Jayanthi, Secretary


This was primarily a planning and preparatory meeting for the annual meeting with Ballymeade residents.


Peter shared the agenda and started out with general updates.

  • A letter for annual meeting was sent out by PENCO on 01/27/2016.

  • A reminder letter will be sent between now and board meeting to promote volunteers for vacant board positions.

  • Jim will take care of the sign at entrance with date and venue of annual meeting.

  • Both Sean Mathews and Bob Weiner are invited for the annual meeting.

  • The Board has one vacancy (all year) so now the Board has three member at end of term.  One board member is at the end of his first year.  All three will continue on the Board but one member said if someone at the meeting wants join he will step down.  So this means we have two possible openings as of the Annual Meeting. 

  • The team came up with suggestions on how to encourage higher participation from community for board work, especially from single family homes (current board is all from townhomes).

  • Ron suggested that we use a questionnaire for new board candidates. This can be put in place for next year’s annual meeting.  He does this in other communities and then shares the info with the HO’s so when they vote they have info on the candidate.

  • Mike will have the Yard Sale done and ready for the early spring date.


Jim provided finance updates and what was spent so far from 2016 budget.

  • A $1000  placeholder for playground maintenance was  included in the 2017 Budget.

  • Jim proposed to continue to send out newsletter three times per year; cost of printing and mailing  has been budgeted in line with 2016 actual dollars spent.

  • There was a discussion over Jim’s analysis of waste carriers and his report to the residents in the last newsletter.

  • At this point, all reserve funds are balanced between Jim (Board) and Kathleen (PENCO).

  • A cash surplus of $5,577 is expected by end of February (end of the fiscal year); surplus will be contributed out of the operating cash fund into the community’s Reserve Account.

  • It was agreed that the Ballymeade Maintenance Corporation retain a long time checking account at WSFS for infrequent uses as a need arises ($2,000 min balance). 

  • The board discussed the collections from delinquent homeowners and it is agreed that we are still in a far better state compared to other local communities.

  • 17 home sales were recorded in the 2016 calendar year.

  • Not much has been spent on snow removal so far, and there was a comment about how the roads were cleaned last time it had snowed in December.

 Mike went over ARC activity and other community updates.

  • There are no outstanding or ongoing issues from ARC side.

  • All the ARC requests have been approved quickly after review.

  • Went over the complaints received from home owners since the board met last time.

  • It is agreed that PENCO request home owners to send in a written complaint for audit and legal reasons.

Peter covered updates from landscapers and contractors he deals with.

  • Arbor Vitae (small trees) on south side of Ballymeade drive may need a replacement if they don’t survive after this spring.

  • End of W Boxborough drive – vines gone wild, complaint from HO, possible rodent infestation. Board agreed to have it cleared a foot away from the private property (about $1800 expense) given it was agreed that this is community property responsibility.

  • Wetlands near E Boxborough and Shrewsbury intersection were reviewed by Peter, Sean Mathews (representative) and DNRC of engineers. It requires a redesign and re-grading and a new wider pipe to allow better flow of water in the right direction. DelDOT may take up this work very soon.

  • Storm water drain management is good by Forever Green Landscaping as always.  New Castle County has certified our compliance with their strict maintenance rules.  

  • The lights at the entrance need replacing.  Several lights are out now.  Will get this done ASAP.

  • Quotes from two vendors for playground (for repair resulting from inspection) are awaited.

Ron provided updates and concerns from Ballymeade Homeowners who call him and from his side at PENCO.


Meeting was adjourned. 

Posted by ballymeade on 02/08/2017
Last updated on 04/05/2018
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