Residents' Handbook - Reference Guide

Important Info For All Residents of Ballymeade
Trash Receptacles –
Trash receptacles are to be stored inside your garage, or completely hidden from view in some other manner. This is the most frequently talked about problem in our community and it a source of frustration for many. In cities, such as Wilmington or Philadelphia tickets would be issued to violators. Please put your trash pails out of site and put them out at dusk or later the evening before pick up by the trash collecting company. Thank you.
Sidewalk Obstructions –
Many things obstruct free passage along the community’s sidewalks, cars being one example. Sidewalks are for people. Many residents take walks daily around the community. It is dangerous for them to have to go around cars and other objects blocking the sidewalks. Please do not park your car on the sidewalk! The weight of the car will eventually crack the sidewalk and you, as homeowner will be responsible for that repair. Please keep all sidewalks clear for pedestrian passage.
For Sale Signs –
Per the deed restrictions “For Sale” signs are not allowed at the entrance to the community. “For Sale” signs must be on the homeowner’s own property. The reason for this is that at any given time there is at least one house for sale, maybe more, and there could always be a sign at the entrance. “Open House” signs at the entrance are acceptable on the day of the open house ONLY.
Encroachment onto Commonly Owned Areas –
Please be mindful of your property line and do not take down vegetation or trees or anything out of the wetlands or commonly owned areas. The wetlands have very strict regulations, enforced by the Army Corp of Engineers. They monitor the wetlands periodically. You may be charged with the expense of undoing any encroachment.
Early Morning Mowing –
Please wait until a reasonable hour to mow your lawn. Seven or eight o’clock on a Saturday or Sunday is certainly not reasonable to your neighbor who worked a 60 hour week and wants to sleep in on the weekend. Nine or ten o’clock would be more considerate to all concerned.
Dogs –
There have been a number of complaints recently about dog barking. Please monitor your dog and keep barking to a minimum. Please also pick up after your dog during walks around our community.
Plant Trees –
If the back of your house faces the back of another house and you are tired of looking at all the vinyl why not try to block it from view! Plant trees in your back yard. If you plant a small tree now, in time it will get big and will shade you, keep you cool, add greenery to the back of your house, create privacy for you and hide all of that vinyl.
Common County Code Violations
The following are excerpts from the New Castle County Code. To report a violation, please contact New Castle County Code Enforcement at 395-5555.
Inoperable or unregistered Motor Vehicles – The parking or storage of any inoperable or unregistered vehicle or off-highway vehicle is prohibited unless fully enclosed in a building.
Prohibited Growths of Weeds & Grass – Weeds and grass on developed parcels shall be no more than eight (8) inches high, provided, however, with respect to a parcel of land that is larger than one (1) acre and has building lot coverage of less than five (5) percent, weeds and grass shall be no more than eight (8) inches high within ten (10) feet of any property line or more than twenty-four (24) inches high within twenty (20) feet of any property line.
Accumulations of Trash – No person being the owner or possessor of a developed or undeveloped parcel of land shall permit refuse, rubbish, trash or other waste material to be placed or accumulate upon such parcel or right-of-way abutting such parcel so as to create nuisance detrimental to adjoining property or to the health or safety of other persons.
Recreational Vehicle Parking – The parking of any recreational vehicle whose length is greater than two hundred forty (240) inches or whose width is over eighty-four (84) inches or whose height is over eighty-four (84) inches or whose weight exceeds five thousand (5,000) pounds is prohibited on any street or roadway. The parking of boats or trailers on any street or roadway is prohibited.
Parking on Lawns – The parking of any vehicle or off-highway vehicle other than on a surface treated and hardened to accommodate vehicles is prohibited.
Outside Storage of Household Items – The open storage of items designed and manufactured to be used and stored in an enclosed building is prohibited. Such items include appliances or furniture irrespective of age of condition.
Parking on Sidewalks – It is also illegal under the Delaware State Code to park on sidewalks. The New Castle County Police will ticket anyone not complying with this law. Also, if you park on the sidewalk, thus creating damage to the sidewalk, the person who owns that part of the sidewalk can be sued by anyone who may injure themselves as a result of the damaged sidewalk.
What Is An Assessment?
Your annual maintenance corporation assessment is a yearly fee that covers the costs of the Maintenance Corporation. These costs include landscaping and mowing the open space, snow plowing, tennis court repair, playground repair, entrance sign maintenance, legal fees (if necessary), insurance for the Maintenance Corporation, and any other improvements to the open space in the development. By accepting the deed to your home, you agree to pay the annual assessment. BC Consulting sends out all statements for payment of the assessment and maintains a record of all payments. The assessments pay for the tings that the community needs! If you have any questions about your assessment, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Ron White at Penco Management, 610-358-5580 so he can assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
Penco Management:
What They Do For Ballymeade
Penco Management, Inc. is contracted to perform property management functions on behalf of all Ballymeade residents. Penco will assist in the day to day operation of the Maintenance Corporation. The duties of Penco include attending Board and Community meetings, publishing and mailing our newsletters, collecting assessments, depositing assessments into the Corporation’s account, preparing income and franchise taxes, obtaining bids from contractors for landscaping, mowing, snow removal, (and any other improvements that need to be made to the community), preparing and mailing out Architectural Review requests to the Architectural Review Committee, collecting delinquent assessments, advising the Board on matters that are important to the community, interacting with State and Local officials and informing us of programs such as the Snow Reimbursement Programs, taking calls from homeowners and giving appropriate agencies to contact, assisting with the preparation of the annual budget, maintaining documents, and last but not least, answering your questions and helping you with your concerns or problems. Large communities with all volunteer boards often need assistance with these duties and that’s what they’re here to do: help.
Thinking of Selling Your Home?
1) Your disclosure statement should inform the potential buyer of the annual assessment and the $450 special Capital Improvement Assessment.
2)Inform your Real Estate agent that Ballymeade is a Maintenance Corporation run, deed restricted community. Have the agent contact Penco Management for copies of the Governing Documents.
3) Inform the settlement attorney that there is a yearly assessment due. Penco Management will provide a settlement certification.
4) Contact Penco Management when you decide to list your home. That way they can update their records and provide the necessary information needed to facilitate a smooth transfer.
Remember, if you are planning on selling your home, you will have to disclose all of this information to your potential buyers. If you have questions or require further information, please contact Mr. Ron White, Penco Management, Inc., 610-358-5580, or by Email:
Architectural Review
Understanding The Importance
The Ballymeade Architectural Review Committee (ARC) oversees compliance to the Declaration of Restrictions (DOR). While the homeowner is responsible for compliance to all general use restrictions, particular attention should be paid to page 4, section 18 of the DOR when submitting plans for review. The ARC’s general charge is to evaluate requests based on compliance to the DOR, and the harmony of the proposed change, alteration, addition, building or structure with like structures on neighboring properties. The ARC also considers the outlook and view of the proposed change, from the neighboring properties. In addition, all contractors must be licensed in the State of Delaware and carry insurance and conform to New Castle County building codes and procure the necessary permits and variances. (ALL decks constructed or expanded in Ballymeade may require a variance hearing with New Castle County.)
Examples of plans requiring ARC review:
1. Decks, deck additions and expansions, and addition of stairs or existing decks.
2. House additions.
3. Fences.
4. Exterior house color changes to doors, windows, shutters, etc.
5. Exterior grading changes (excavations, terracing, etc.) that will result in a change of existing overall grade to the property
All submissions must be made to BC Consulting, as per the following:
1. Enclose a drawing of the proposed structure or plan with color, shape, dimensions and materials clearly defined.
a. Identify the structure’s materials, i.e., pressure treated lumber, synthetic decking, etc.
b. Identify the proposed color of the structure; i.e., natural wood stain, color of synthetic decking, etc. (All decks and fences must be natural wood color.)
c. Identify all dimensions, including elevations, of the proposed structure.
2. Enclose a copy of the Mortgage Inspection Plan (mortgage survey) that shows how the structure will be connected to the house and intended dimensions must be listed on the drawing. (This document will be necessary when obtaining the proper permits and variances.)
3. If constructing stairs, including these dimensions on the drawing.
4. Include the homeowner’s name, the home’s lot number and address and day and evening telephone numbers.
5. If using a contractor, the name of the individual or firm and business license number.
If you are submitting plans that will need a New Castle County Building Permit and/or Variance, you must obtain these prior to commencing construction.
The above are provided as examples of plans requiring review and are not intended to be a comprehensive list. Please consult your Deed Restrictions that you should have received at settlement. If you need a copy, or have any questions regarding your submission please contact Penco Management per below.
Submit requests for Architectural review to:
PENCO Management, Inc.
Att: Ron White
P.O. Box 1119
Chadds Ford, PA 19317
610-358-5580 Office
610-558-3399 FAX
Complete requests will require a minimum of two weeks turnaround time. Incomplete information requiring clarification could delay the approval process.
ballymeade on 07/27/2009
Last updated
on 06/06/2016